Monday, May 12, 2008

Who's Herson?

Yesterday was Mother's was nice, except that almost everyone in my house is sick. The boys brought me breakfast in bed along with all of the cards and presents they made for me. George gave me his, and it said, "To Mom From Herson" I said, "George, do you have a kid named Herson in your class "(I pronounced it Hersen.....of course) Curtis looked at me like I was a complete idiot, and George was just confused, I think he just said ,"huh?" I have been getting on George for not putting any spaces in between his words. I am sure you caught on immediately, but it turns out that Herson really was Her Son. Besides, who writes To Mom, From Her Son.....why didn't he just put George? Anyways, I almost peed my pants, because I amuse myself that much! I thought my stupidity was funny, and it just gave my kids another reason to not be able to stand me. I actually think I am kind of intelligent, but I am proving myself otherwise. We all have our strongpoints....mine definitely is spelling. It is kind of a useless gift, unless I ever get on Wheel of Fortune - which I can't even apply for for a few more years, since Scott was employed by ABC. I have definitely looked into it, because I think I would have a real good shot. Plus, I kick butt at Boggle and Scrabble. In real life I could use some help. I just started studying to get my certification for Personal Training. I am a bit worried about actually passing the test.....there is so much information, it kind of hurts my brain! Oh well, we'll see how it goes.


Pam said...

Hey, those are the things I am good at! Scrabble, Wheel of Fortune, Boggle and spelling! Of course we are smart if we excel at those least that is what I keep telling myself. Hope you are all feeling well soon!

Heather said...

Good luck on your personal training test. Sure wish I lived there so you could personal train my butt into shape. Herson sounds like such a fun boy, he made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Preston gave Jody her Mothers day card that he made in Primary. He was mad at Jody, since he was a tyrant in Sacrament Meeting and got in trouble. His card on the inside said "To Mother, For mothers day I will give you Nothing!"

Definately the Cuillard coming out in him.

KMJ said...

That's great- for mother's day I will give you nothing! My son told me he didn't celebrate mother's day. He said the things he made for me at school and church were because his teacher made him. Other than that it was a great mother's day. I have a beautiful bracelet on right now from one son.

Jennifer Knight said...

"Herson" - thank you so much for the LOL moment! All my boys ran in to see what I was laughing at.

Robbie said...
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Robbie said...

You are a complete dork! I can't believe you forgot to mention my gift!

Kaye said...

Robbie...I didn't forget, I just didn't. Seriously, I really do appreciate it.....just so EVERYBODY knows, Robbie gave me some super yummy chocolate covered strawberries....which I absolutely love! Robbie is such a good boy!

Anonymous said...

hey kaye!
if you are on facebook we should play scrabulous... the best way ever to play scrabble these days!
if you need any help with the personal training test thing, let me know. :0)

Anonymous said...

okay...i didn't mean to be anonymous. i am julianna. sorry.

AJsGirls said...

Have you played e-mail scrabulous? So fun! I would have a cleaner house if it weren't for scrabulous. Shhhhh! Don't tell Aaron, please, he just thinks Noelle takes a lot of my time. :)

AJsGirls said...

Oh, and I really meant to comment that Herson, it made me laugh out loud. So funny!

About Me

My photo it goes. I am a mother of 5 crazy boys....ages 10 months to 11 years. I have been married for twelve and a half years to an even crazier boy!!! I am not sure how he has put up with me for so long, and then I remember that he is as big of a goofball as me! I get to stay at home with the boys, but I work about 6 whole hours a week teaching fitness classes. I think I am funny when I remind Scott that I am independently wealthy (if you knew how much I made, you might think it is funny too)! I do love to work out, and without it I would be about 500 pounds and completely insane. Well, that about sums it up. I am looking forward to keeping a record of the completely abnormal behavior of my perfect family!