Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We Are Having ANOTHER Boy

I really can't believe it either. Scott is super excited about having another one. Now, the difference between this one, is that he is 33 years old, and I am pretty sure he will be a little bit easier to take care of than the other ones. My brother in law, Robbie, will be staying with us while he gets things situated down here. We are all shocked that he is even willing to live here, since we are the most annoying family on earth. It is impossible to sleep past 7 am here, and privacy will be limited. Everytime Robbie tries to eat a meal it is guaranteed that either Charlie or KC will be climbing on him. I am the first to admit that I am not the easiest person to live with.....but I am pretty sure Robbie is aware I am a bit volatile. I am also very nosy, and I think he is prepared to be interrogated about every girl, activity, etc. I joke with Robbie that he is my favorite sister-in-law.....but he and I both know we will be watching a few chick flicks together....those are his FAVORITE!!! He is doing job interviews, but I am thinking my live in nanny would be perfect....I always wanted one. Just kidding Robbie. Anyways, I hope he can stand us, and vice versa...haha.

Now, because Robbie and I have a couple of things in common, I am pretty sure he would be sad if I didn't post a picture of him for here ya go Rob...


Pam said...

Boy, that title got my attention. Good one! I also like how you have the songs go with your posts. Very cute!! Now I am going to have that song stuck in my head all day. "It's raining men....hallejuha!" Thanks-
*I am glad you like my blog name. I was trying different ones out but so far this is my favorite also.

Robbie said...

You are so lame! The post, the picture and THE SONG...this is going to be a loooong month. Will us living together interfere with our blogging? And you are going to let Scott and I run the Lakers during the playoffs right? What am I thinking moving in with you?

Kaye said...

Robbie, you and I both know that you can't wait.....this is like a dream come true for you! Just think of all of the All My Children we can watch!

Meggan said...

I just about had a heart attack when I read that! (I had to check out your blog since you told Rob to go look at it on his blog and my curiosity got the better of me, hope you don't mind.)

You are going to have a lot of fun with Rob living at your house, although you might not have a husband for awhile! I agree, he would make a good "sister-in-law", though, because he is just so into everything that girls are! Now that is a perfectly rounded guy...he can hang out and do the most guyish things on earth, but then come home and watch a chick flick. Go Rob!!

Robbie said...

Thanks a lot you two! You're making me sound totally gay! This is not helping me get chicks!

Meggan said...

Rob, excuse me, I said that you can go out and do the most guyish things and then come home to watch a good chick flick. That is perfectly rounded and enough to be getting you all the single chicks that check out Kaye's blog!

Heather said...

You are a brave women. I promise to keep you in my prayers. Ü

Jeff and Stephanie said...

Is he related to us Draeger's??? Because if he's not you might want to keep Jen Draeger in mind! Maybe she could introduce him to HB?? Just a thought! Do you like how I'm totally selling out my sister even though I know nothing about him except he watches chick flicks! :) And you like him enough to let him live with you! :)

KMJ said...

Congratulations Scott and Kaye! Wow. I really like your blog and can't help but check it out when I read Robbie's blog. I admire you -- you are so fit and have 5.5 boys! I have 3. If I have another it will be a boy I am sure. They are great fun. Do you notice the noise level in your house is very high? Hey, with Robert Todd there it may even be worse! I know I am a stranger to you Kaye, but I am just amazed at your cute family and what you do, so is that ok if I am a fan? ha
I've got to start my own blog soon, the funny stories are passing me by. I take lots of pictures, but you know how you can't remember things from day to day though you think you will. I do write some things down, but not enough. -Kristin

By the way, when are you due? Do you get sick?

Anonymous said...

KMJ, you have got it all wrong. Rob Cuillard, the 33 year old, is the 6th boy!! Although it might make Kaye sick to see him some mornings, I assure you, it is not "morning sickness."

KMJ said...

THANK YOU! I AM SUCH A DORK! I wondered why the post was all about Robbie and I wondered how Scott could be 33 because I know Robbie is! haha. I just thought she was saying at least her husband wasn't such a kid anymore. oh my...........well I don't blame anyone if they get a good laugh at my expense. Yes I am blonde.

Suzanne said...

So, I've been catching up with everyone in the ward by reading blogs. I saw your title and nearly choked when I thought you were having another boy. Made me laugh.

About Me

My photo it goes. I am a mother of 5 crazy boys....ages 10 months to 11 years. I have been married for twelve and a half years to an even crazier boy!!! I am not sure how he has put up with me for so long, and then I remember that he is as big of a goofball as me! I get to stay at home with the boys, but I work about 6 whole hours a week teaching fitness classes. I think I am funny when I remind Scott that I am independently wealthy (if you knew how much I made, you might think it is funny too)! I do love to work out, and without it I would be about 500 pounds and completely insane. Well, that about sums it up. I am looking forward to keeping a record of the completely abnormal behavior of my perfect family!