George has announced that these are his everyday clothes....

By "everyday" he means every single day. He has worn this outfit for three days straight. Nothing says late July like a black pair of track pants....gotta love it. So, a normal Mom might not tolerate this, I on the other hand am very curious to see how many days he can go like this. It should be interesting come Sunday when we go to church!
I say let him go for it. It saves time with laundry.
I DEFINITELY love our Georgie!
Scott had an outfit that he wore FOREVER when he was that age. Must be a genetic thing.
I love the outfit George!
I have to hide or "lose" clothes for Joseph sometimes. He gets fixated on the same things and wears them forever. Now, in the summer this really is fine and I am glad it doesn't bother his mother! I always say ok, just please make sure you have clean underwear on. His teacher and kids at school may think that's all he has to wear! Oh well I guess. With boys that's much less a big deal than with girls I think. George is handsome!
I can't wait to see him at church tomorrow! I will be so dissappointed if I do not see him donning some part of his daily wear. Love it!
Less laundry = works for me. Have I told you what a cute kid he is.
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